Regardless of whether you apply for an Innobooster grant to develop a new product, a new service or for a significant change in your company's production or work processes, your project must fall under one of the Innovation Fund's three themes, which are described below.
Therefore, the application must describe how the project contributes to the chosen theme. Relevance and contribution to the theme will be included as criteria in the assessment of the application.
Ambitious and Sustainable Green Technology Development and Innovation
Danish research and innovation must contribute to solving the big and difficult challenges that are crucial to achieving the government's green goals goals. Therefore, the Innovation Fund invests in knowledge-based innovation projects that can develop the green technologies and solutions that are needed to transition Denmark to a sustainable future, where we reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, protect our environment and nature and create a Danish green business adventure.
This applies to green projects within energy production and efficiency, agriculture and food production, transport, environment and circular economy, nature and biodiversity as well as sustainable behavior and societal consequences of climate change. Key to the projects being funded is that they contribute significantly to the green transition and that the expectations for these contributions can be clarified in the applications.
Life Science, Health and Welfare Technology
The Innovation Fund supports Denmark's strong knowledge and research position within life science, health and welfare technology. This is done by investing in research and innovation projects that develop solutions and technologies that benefit citizens' health, companies' bottom line figures and Denmark's international competitiveness.
The Fund invests in challenge-driven health projects at all stages of the research and innovation value chain which can drive future health and economic or societal development.
The investments of The Innovation Fund can, among others, contribute to new knowledge about and development of new health and welfare technology, streamlining services in the public sector, improvements in prevention services and treatments in the primary and hospital sectors as well as psychiatry and reducing inequality in health.
The Fund's investments must also contribute to strengthening the Danish clinical research, e.g., to support quality and efficiency in the healthcare system, including good patient treatment. The Fund can also invest in clinical research which contributes to the development of personalised medicine, development of the digital health area, including the health data area, artificial intelligence and increased virtual and technological use in relation to execution of clinical trials.
Strategic and challenge-driven innovation within new technologies
The Innovation Fund invests in research and the utilisation of the technological opportunities and innovation that contribute to creating growth and value in Denmark. The Fund's investments must create fertile soil for Danish companies and foreign companies located in Denmark to develop products and new knowledge-based solutions that contribute to growth and employment in Denmark.
The investments can also support the development of robot and drone technology, advanced measurement and sensor technology and other automated production technology. The Innovation Fund also invests in projects that contribute to the development of the digital area, including artificial intelligence and digital transformation. This also applies to projects that create new knowledge about the importance of digitization for people and society.
Moreover, The Fund invests in projects which contribute to creating better and gentler workplaces in Denmark for the benefit of the employees and the companies' bottom line via e.g. research into physical, psychological and chemical working environment.