Apply for EU Innovation Fund
Receive our assistance in securing funding from one of the world's largest grant schemes dedicated to implementing net-zero and innovative technologies.
The Innovation Fund program, administered by the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), plays an important role in advancing the EU's commitment to sustainable and green initiatives.
With a substantial budget, it supports pioneering projects aiming at commercial deployment of innovative low-carbon technologies, with the objective of launching industrial solutions to decarbonise Europe and support its transition to climate neutrality. Meanwhile it also stimulates economic growth and job creation.
In addition, the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) - the world’s largest carbon pricing system – provides the revenues for the Innovation Fund and it is used as the main driver for the programme.
Sectors Targeted For Decarbonisation
In april 2024, the 4th call of the EU Innovation Fund closed with a record budget of €4 billion to subsidies European decarbonisation projects that e.g. fall under the below sectors:
- Aviation
- Heavy industry, including green/renewable substitute products
- Maritime
- Cleantech Manufacturing, including renewables and energy storage
2024 deadline was in April - the next deadline is expected in Spring 2025.
Developing proposals for the Innovation Fund is highly time-consuming, therefore, reach out now to secure our expert assistance for the upcoming deadline!
Grant Details for Innovation Fund
For all projects sizes, applicants can get up to 60% of the total project capital expenditure.
Small-Scale Projects: Project size must go from EUR 2.5 million up to EUR 20 million (Capital Expenditure)
Medium-Scale Projects: The covered cost goes from EUR 20 million up to EUR 100 million (Capital Expenditure & Operation Expenses for 10 years)
Large-Scale Projects: The covered cost goes from EUR 100 million and above (Capital Expenditure & Operation Expenses for 10 years)
Selection Criteria:
- Degree of innovation
- GHG emission avoidance and other climate impact reduction potential (only Innovation Fund)
- Project maturity
- Scalability
- Cost efficiency (only Innovation Fund)
This programme supports the production of renewable fuel of non-biological origin (RFNBO) hydrogen within the European Economic Area.
- Maximum grant size is EUR 266.7 million
- Demands a minimum project size of 5MW
- Ceiling price of EUR 4.5 per kg Hydrogen
- Time to financial close and entry into operation is maximum 5 years.