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Substy Makes It Easier to Find Qualified Subs
A matching algorithm easily replaces the classic phone-coordination with a small local team. With a single click, the algorithm plans the perfect timetable for qualified subs and emphasizes their subject knowledge, familiarity with the class concerned, experience etc.
However, to develop the matching algorithm, Substy needed support from experts. Therefore, Nordic Innovators enabled a partnership with Smart Innovation and got help from ICT (Information communication Technology) at DTU Compute. Moreover, educational experts supported the Substy project too, namely from Aarhus University and Danish School of Education.
Having the algorithm in place, Nordic Innovators also helped with writing the successful proposal for the Danish programme, Innobooster. The grant helps Substy to further develop the algorithm and concentrate on innovating e-learning and training modules. Substy has 11 dedicated employees working on developing the Substy-solution with local schools.
Lastly, MentorDanmark foresees promising growth potential. The pragmatic approach, light administration and high potential have given Substy appetite for more innovation projects in cooperation with Nordic Innovators.
"It has been a pleasure working with Nordic Innovators on the application for funding for Substy and our ambitions to improve the way we think and work with substitute teachers today. Having someone with the knowledge and expertise on the process to support you with the structure, requirements and not the least communicating your vision and goals has for us been essential. We are very happy with the result and the journey we’ve now started with the support from Smart Innovation and InnoBooster.”
Nicklas Kany, CEO MentorDanmark