From CO2 to Animal Feed
Gas2Feed was awarded NOK 23 million by the Norwegian Research Council for their projects which develop technology that converts CO2 into fish feed – a revolutionary way of producing feed that significantly alleviates the environment.
Reducing the Climate Footprint of the Aquaculture Industry
Currently, soybeans constitute one of the major sources of fish and animal feed in Norway and globally. The environmental footprint left behind by this process is substantial. Gas2Feed aims to change this by introducing a novel method of utilizing CO2 to create resources in fish feed production.
The company is in the process of developing methods that will convert carbon dioxide gas, water, and air into protein by using microorganisms. This circular approach to utilise CO2 contributes to increased production of locally produced, nutrient-rich feed that benefits animal health and alleviates the environment on multiple levels. The production time is significantly reduced from several months to a few days, and the production does not require the use of vast agricultural land.
Gas2Feed's project illustrates how existing resources can be harnessed while simultaneously reducing deforestation and producing feed locally.
A Significant Step Towards a Climate-Friendly Aquaculture Industry
Nordic Innovators is proud to have assisted Gas2Feed in their process of achieving its project goals with helping securing funding. Smiljana Divjak, CEO of Gas2Feed and its parent company EcoFishCircle, explains how the funding has opened numerous doors for the company and Norwegian innovation:
"This funding has allowed us to mature and test the technology at our own pace. The challenge with small startups often lies in larger companies buying out the technology, but with public grants, this risk of this happening is considerably reduced. It provides both security and higher value to the company, in addition to making it possible for Norwegian technology to take a significant position on an international scale within this field."
With funding from the Research Council, Gas2Feed is able to optimize and develop the technology and eventually introduce it to the market. Gas2Feed is just one example and the beginning of the possibilities in developing innovative technology for climate-friendly purposes.