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The progressive integration of today’s international business underlines the importance of professional involvement and quality translation. The Danish company, Easy Translate A/S understands the complexities of translation and strives every day to assist their clients in building a foundation for global communications with consistency throughout.
Easy Translate A/S provides smarter, more efficient translation and interpretation experiences. Their premier Language Solutions Platform enables instant access to numerous language solutions and a global network of +12,000 translators.
E-Commerce On The Rise
Nowadays, e-commerce for businesses, B-t-B as well as B-t-C, is more of a rule than an exception. Therefore, Easy Translate has identified the need for their e-commerce business clients to have an automated text generation by converting basic product information into attractive tailor-made text resembling human writing.
E-commerce business has a need to distinguish their offers from the competition, the content needs to be effective, attractive as well as constantly updated. By applying “hyper-personalization” of content and advertising, a tailor-made approach to customer segments is achieved.
Today, most content creation is done manually with one content writer generating approx. 2000 words/day. This task is often outsourced causing external costs. While automated language processing is making progress, it still faces serious problems such as the understanding of text meanings. At the end, good translations need a human aspect!
Easy Translate has therefore developed an AI-driven text generation engine which is called “Natural Language Generation” (NLG). It can assist human text generation focused on the specific field of retail application. Moreover, NLG will learn and gradually improve with every task completed, elevating its usefulness over time.
With assistance from Nordic Innovators to develop a compelling funding application, Easy Translate received an Innobooster grant in late 2020. This enables Easy Translate to faster develop and mature all the necessary components and activities to set up a working solution for e-commerce product text generation.