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Is SkatteFUNN really a rights-based scheme

Is SkatteFUNN really a rights-based scheme?
Yes, but no? Let me elaborate...
SkatteFUNN has the potential to significantly improve R&D projects, contribute to increased internal resources, and drive further (faster) growth.
To answer the initial question:
SkatteFUNN is a rights-based scheme, provided you have an R&D project. However, this is where it ends for many. What exactly constitutes an R&D project? And specifically, one that fits SkatteFUNN’s criteria or those of other funding schemes for that matter?
Easy or Not to write a SkatteFUNN application
This is where I think people misstep when they say you can easily write it yourself. Easily? Everything is, of course, relative. But "easy"? I might have met a small percentage of people who would say that SkatteFUNN applications are simple. Sure, if you have:
- A clearly defined project and lots of time
- Where all costs are meticulously recorded in the correct categories at all times
- Signed time sheets
- Full control over which activities in a project (and further development) qualify for support
- Time allocated for the application, a potential appeal process in case of rejection and reporting
- A solid, prioritised plan for follow-up during the project regarding additional or alternative support, and opportunities for extending or scaling development
...then, sure, an application can be “easy.”
But are you confident that:
✔ Your application is maximizing potential support (Have you had an external evaluation?)
✔ It is written well enough to avoid an appeal process
✔ If an appeal is necessary, do you have a clear strategy for whether to rewrite the application or formally appeal? This is where it is crucial to stay focused.
✔ You have internal resources dedicated to the entire process
Then, maybe—but only maybe—applying for support for R&D projects can feel “easy.” Many, however, increasingly prefer to focus on their core business and seek assistance with these processes. Remember that SkatteFUNN often lays the groundwork for further scaling and support.