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GoLittle - An app that gives inspiration to activities well suited for children
The founder behind the app, Morten Resen, entrepreneur and father of two, came up with the idea: He realised how often he found himself challenged and in need of better inspiration when planning extended play deals for his children and their friends. Especially when they were away from home where he did not know the neighbourhood they were visiting.
The chat that led to more
It was a different approach that made GoLittle our client. Our Senior Strategy Consultant, Jesper Damlund, likes to listen to various podcasts about start-ups and the ecosystem. Morten Resen started his podcast when his business idea was just written on a piece of paper. Our consultant listened in on Morten’s journey with GoLittle. As Jesper works with start-ups in his professional life every day, he felt the urge to offer some advice along the way and therefore, they kept in touch.
When the podcast opened the subject of funding and Jesper learnt that GoLittle had applied twice for funding without success, Jesper reached out again because he wanted to help.
Later, after several meetings and brainstorming, Jesper won over GoLittle and they agreed to apply for an InnoBooster grant for the third time - this time, with the help of Nordic Innovators.
Both Nordic Innovators and GoLittle are happy that the third time is the charm. GoLittle got their InnoBooster grant. The project granted helped GoLittle scope the InnoBooster to support the development of the app towards the recent launch of the premium version GoLittle Plus.
To hear more about the project and the application process, you can listen to Morten Resen’s podcast season 5 (in Danish).